Fescue, Hard

Hard Fescue
Hard Fescue Seed

Hard Fescue is more drought resistant than chewings fescue (Festuca rubra ssp. fallax), but not as drought resistant as sheep (Festuca ovina) or Idaho fescue (Festuca idahoensis). It is adapted to the 16 to 30 inch rainfall areas of Washington State, Oregon and Idaho. ‘Durar’ makes a tremendous root system, producing many more pounds of roots per acre than it does in top growth. Root samples taken from the top 8 inches of soil after 6 growing seasons showed ‘Durar’ with 6,000 pounds of roots per acre and crested wheatgrass with 3500 pounds of roots per acre. It produces up to 700 pounds of clean seed per acre.

Varieties Available:

Durar Eureka II V.N.S.